Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Little Children and Jesus

It's late night on St Patrick's Day, and I'm tired. What a perfect time to do some theology!

Mark 10:13-16

These 4 lines in Mark are probably the most random 4 lines to occur. It occurs between the passage on Divorce (which coincidentally is not about divorce) and the Parable of the Rich Young Man. What are they doing here? It is not like Mark to include extraneous details in his writing. His style is very straight forward and to the point.

There of course is the obvious meaning you can take away: Jesus loves the little children. Such interpretation easily dismisses the 4 lines so the reader can get onto the good part. But not so fast! There is more here than meets the eye.

The disciples are quick to rebuke those bringing him children, quick to say "These are not worthy of the Name." The NIV translates Jesus' reaction as one of Indignation. Clearly it was not his will that any should be denied his presence, not even the smallest of society. But who are these children now? How does one exactly receive the kingdom like a child?

I've heard it said that to receive like a child is to have the characteristics of a child. When you think of children, what adjectives come to mind? Innocence, purity, curiosity, joyfulness, playfulness, etc. There are a ton of good ones, however I can think of a few on the contrary: Selfish, greedy, egocentric, temperamental, disobedient, etc. I'm not sure I buy into the idea that Children are innocent. If my experience in elementary school was true, children do some intentionally mean things to belittle and exclude others. Don't let them fool you, they no exactly how to hurt someone else. Children learn to lie at a very early age as well, and we all know that lying is a gift of the Devil, in fact his very language (John 8:44). Not my idea of innocent at all.

However, they are innocent in a certain regard: They do not know any better. They are childish because they lack maturity, blameless because they lack discipline. Can a child of 8 be punished as severely for theft as an adult of 28? How then does a child receive anything if it is not first instructed to him? Paul uses the metaphor of "spiritual children", placing himself as a "father". They are still children for they have not yet matured. And what does it mean to be mature?

Lets look at Matthew 5:48 "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (ESV) This is impossible with the understanding that man is fallen and cannot attain perfection meaning pure, spotless, and free of blemish. That which is unclean cannot make itself clean. This isn't a statement of how God is going to cleanse you (although he does indeed do that) but rather it's an exhortation. However there is another meaning of the Greek word used here and translated as Perfect: To be mature in a moral sense. In context, this makes sense. Let me outline the points of Matthew 5:43 (this could apply for the context of the whole book on what "maturity" looks like, but for brevity I'll just do the local context):

  • Love your enemies
  • Pray for those who persecute you
  • Why? So that you may be SONS (aka children) of your father in heaven
  • If you love only those who love you, how is that different than normal?
  • If you only greet your brothers, how is that any different than anyone else?
  • Therefore: Be "perfect" (or "Morally mature")
How does a child receive anything? In Greco-Roman and Jewish context, how does a male child (aka Son) receive anything? By inheritance. (on a side note: this does not mean women cannot receive the kingdom of God! It's not chauvinist or sexist in any regard, but is how contextually people of the culture would understand that there is inheritance involved. Son does not denote "Male only" as much as it culturally does as "the one who receives inheritance". Sadly, no matter how many languages we can translate the Bible into, there is no translation for culture.) When does a child receive his inheritance? When he is fully grown, mature and responsible, and generally after the Father dies (exception: see the Prodigal Son). God the father has "died" through the Son so that we may share in the inheritance that only rightfully belongs to Christ. That is, of course, on the basis that we mature. You do not give a child 100 Grand (unless it's the candy bar) until he is ready. So too do I believe the Kingdom of God is this way.

It is by grace alone that one can be part of the Kingdom (It's ultimately God's decision) however, if we are not ready to receive then we are not ready to receive. I could daresay, even if we believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God who died for our sins, but are not mature (as outlined before), how can we inherit salvation? Indeed we must work out our salvation as Paul writes, but it is up to the Most compassionate God to ultimately bestow (which He does freely with the death of His son Jesus). We sang a song in Chapel today that touched my heart: Before the throne of God. This line especially: "For God, the Just, is satisfied//To look on Him and pardon me"

Do you think I'm done explaining these 4 lines from Mark yet as I understand it? Actually, I'm figuring it out as I go along, so I'm glad you are here for the ride. I've only explained Verse 15!
Let's get back to the disciples and why Jesus was indignant. I said before that they were denying some the right to be in Jesus' presence, something that was not alright with Jesus. I also mentioned the Children before as being blameless on part of their lack of maturity. As I see it, the reference to child in verse 15 has nothing to do with the children in verse 14. That latter one is actually talking about someone who can be held blameless because they do not know any better. To put it bluntly, I'm talking about non-Christians.

I know it's a stretch, but hear me out on this. Why are Christians viewed as judgmental? It may be because we deem certain people acceptable to be in Jesus' presence and others not so much. In particular, I'm thinking about the GLBT community, but others as well. Like the disciples, we too control (or try to) who gets access to Jesus. We rebuke those who try to get too close when they are unworthy. Hmmm... I wonder what Jesus would have to say about this. Maybe something along the lines of verse 14?

Can you really hold a non-Christian person to Christian morality? Why be indignant that they don't follow "rules" for a God they want nothing of? If a child pokes fun at you or hits you, are you angry with them? Do you hit them back and call them names? I certainly hope not! Because they don't play by our morality, they are unrestricted in what they can or cannot do, while we on the other hand sacrifice our freedoms to do only those things which are edifying to Christ. If a non-Christian were to curse you out, why use profane language back? If one were to steal your wallet, why arrest him? Give it to him so that he may not be a thief (and be in sin), but one who has received grace as you have received it. Or be pissed off, angry, and upset that some lunatic stole your wallet. Your choice, but remember you are held to a higher morality, you must be "perfect". (note: This is not a call to find your Christian friends and do mean things to them because you know they can't do anything back. Most of us try, but if you push us to far, we'll push back and ask for forgiveness later ;) )

As I like to say nowadays: Morality that forces itself on others is not morality at all. I want him to do X because I do X is not justification that X is right. I abstain from sexual relations, so ALL people must! I am heterosexual, therefore all people must be! That way I can brag about how much I've abstained compared to others, or how moral I am before the Lord. Do you see the trap here? Morality that forces itself invites comparison, and with comparison, competition, and with competition, Pride, the ugliest of all sin (for indeed all sins stem from Pride).

All this to say that line 14 carries a lot of weight. Do not think so highly of yourself that you can say "Surely I can be in Christ's presence, but not they!" Do not block Christ's children from coming to him (for Christ died not for some but for ALL) and at the same time receive for yourselves the Kingdom of God like a child. Hold to Jesus' teachings and mature for the coming Kingdom. And all of this comes from four easily skipped lines!

I'll conclude with this:
7 Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness;8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.9 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance.10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. (1 Timothy 4:7-10 ESV)

Loving Brother In Christ,
John Dao

Monday, March 15, 2010

Paper Boats

An original poem written and performed for KALOS, GCTS's premiere arts journal.

Two of us sitting on a paper boat
folded up origami we learn to float
sitting on the edge
we stare into the deep
just the two of us, starting to dream

And I don't know where I've come from
and I don't know where I'll go
I know I don't have the answers
but theres no need to know

I'll sail with you till morning
and we'll find our rest at sea
I know Papa's at home waiting
waiting on you to come with me

Lazily gazing at the stars
just the two of us but who knows where we are?
making fishing poles
out of shoestring
to pass the time we started to sing

And I swear I saw the moon
but it was just the pool of your eyes
calling me to come home
but Lord knows I've tried

Where on Earth can I hide
from the moon always at my side
Though I don't see it all the time
I know it hangs there in the sky

And it makes me shiver with what could be
but I think you mistook a better man for me

'cause I'm not who you think I am
I'm not who you think I am
I'm not who I think I am
but you think I am

You think I am
You think, I am
You think.
I am.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Holy Spirit and the e-persona

One of my favorite pastimes for as long as I can remember has been games. All sorts of games: video, board, card, ball, etc. With the invention of the computer, and later on, the internet, gaming took a whole new form. Out of this came an entire subculture of people, rightly known as gamers, who spend much of their time on computers. The gamer culture has it's own jargon (words like 1337, noob, pwn. etc) and manners (for instance, typing in ALL CAPS is frowned upon). On the internet, you can be whoever you like with impunity. You can say whatever you want from behind a veil on anonymity. But here's the question, can you be a Christian online?

I have an internet persona very different than my social persona. Becoming a Christian, my social persona started to change more and more, however my internet persona remained the same. I struggle with this every time I'm playing a computer game or around a chat room. I'm writing about this now because of this intriguing article I read in Christianity Today:

I find it curious how Christians behave on the internet, often times in the most atrocious manners. Moreover, I find it interesting how I choose to behave on the internet, and what I say that I would never say out loud. In the privacy of my own room, behind an IP and username, I can express myself without inhibition. There is something about this combination that makes people think that they can keep this all a secret, as if closing a door or web browser can hide things from God.

The temptations that lie in the virtual world are wide and varied. The temptations one faces to "flame" (i.e. belittle, berate, and generally put down) someone on the internet is great at times, because you act without social impunity. Racism and sexism, mostly salient IRL (in real life), run rampant as people can express how they truly and honestly feel. Not only that, it is fun and acceptable. "You can say what you want; It's the internet, learn to take a joke" is the general sentiment. If someone flames you, you flame back. It's even a past time for some people to see how many people they can piss off (called "trolling"). People aren't people on the internet, just object for amusement. In the same way, people aren't people while driving, just obstacles. recently I've been fond of this saying, "you just can't identify a Christian by the way they drive (and the obscenities they mutter)." Lord knows I'm guilty too, but this is another post.

It's entirely bothersome how I can be one person one moment, and a different one the next. Jesus didn't live in an age where this temptation existed. But you got to ask yourself, is God also the God of the internet? The God of the Virtual?

It's seems crazy to say "I believe He is God of everything" and pretend he does not reign or exist on the Internet. I often act like He isn't there, because it's easy to pretend. Imagine if Jesus pulled up every single chat log I ever had, would he approve? Can the Holy Spirit transform my virtual life and persona as well? That depends on if I let Him.

If I were to be more like Paul, and "preach Christ" in everything I do, then the internet is no exception. The internet is a world created by men, and God is scarcely found there. I do not mean to say that we should try and "save" the Internet. It is already a fallen world because it was by the hand of man it was created. Nor do I mean to say we should be making Christian websites to "convert" people. It's hard nowadays to get things done without the internet, so while we are there, why shouldn't we conduct ourselves with all the appropriateness of one who is trying to follow Jesus?