Friday, April 9, 2010

Prayer and response

I've been greatly blessed today. GCTS has been doing this prayer revival movement for the entire week. It's going to continue throughout the weekend, but this morning as I was taking part in prayer, I was moved to write one down. I would like to share it with you:

If you would have me
I would like to be with you
If you would welcome me
I would like to be laid down
If you would accept me
I would like to be like you
If you would know my name
I would like to be known by yours
For wherever exactly it is you are
I wish eternally there I might be

In communion with all the angels and saints
Praise be to you forever and ever

After I wrote this down, I felt that I needed to write more. This is what was written:

I've crucified my hands for you
so that yours could do my work
I've crucified my feet
so that yours could come home
I've pierced my side
so that you may have a drink
and crowned my head
so that yours could know my Father
My back has endured whips for you
so that your burdens I could carry
and my eyes have bled tears
to light yours to seal away your darkness
Because they have seen what you have done
and still I'll die for you
Because it does not matter who you are
for I've done everything for you
I did everything for you

Suddenly, I heard a woman weep across the room. Something told me that I should share what was written here. Her name was Suzanne. As she spoke with me, she told me of how profound it was that I would come and speak to her at that moment, and with this writing no less. We talked for a good while and got to know each other's histories, as I shared with her my testimony, she did likewise.As she read the response out loud back to me, she added the final line impromptu:

And I will continue to do everything for you, my bride.

Hearing it again and read out loud, I realized that the second part that was written in response to my prayer. I believe Christ himself wrote me a response to that prayer I wrote down. It was my hand that moved the entire time, but I am afraid that is all the credit due to me. I was no more than a pencil, but I feel blessed. Blessed because of this I met so many great people who prayed over me and with me and even anointing me with oil! Blessed because I felt the Holy Spirit alive in me.

I also feel blessed because Suzanne wants to have it read by one of the speakers of this Prayer revival (apparently she is well connected). She apparently reads much poetry and has won national competitions, so it was an honor for her to call this poem "a Rembrandt". I certainly do not feel like any great artist, but I am glad to have made something so filled with the Spirit. This is why I wanted to share it with you, not for the mere sake of sharing my work for the glory of my name, but rather to share the story behind it to the glory of the Father.

I am proud of my talents as a writer because I know just where they've come from. It is a talent given so that I may use it for the One who gives so freely until the day He returns! To think, I could've spent the morning sleeping instead! I am one happy man right now, fortunate enough to be called a Son.

In communion with all the angels and saints,
Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest!

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