No and here's why:
Matthew 1:16 clearly states that Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. However, Luke 3:23 says Joseph was the Son of Heli! Joseph had two dads!
Ok, just kidding about that one, no he didn't. Nevertheless, both Luke and Matthew give different accounts over who's the father (Maury again) of Joseph, and actually the two genealogies split in similarity at David. Matthew says the son of David was Solomon, while Luke states that it was Nathan. David had two sons! OK, that's actually plausible (given his tendency to have children with other people's wives). What's really going on here?
I know what you are thinking, "John, you mean to tell me the way you are explaining how Jesus is descended from David is to point out blatant contradictions in Scripture? Nice going." Hold on a second! Now if you are married, is there anyone that you would call your dad even though he isn't your father? If you are thinking your Father-in-law you're right. Joseph only had one father, Jacob. But who is Heli? It's his father-in-law (Mary's father).
Both Mary and Joseph were descended from David, making them very distant cousins. It wasn't uncommon to marry inside the family back then, and is probably how Mark and Joseph were arranged to be married anyway. The Genealogy given in Luke 3 is actually Mary's. Since Jesus was actually Born from Mary, he was descended from David's line, and actually has twice the claim to the throne: Once through Mar (through Nathan) and again as he was adopted by Joseph (through the line of Solomon. All is well in the world!
Bet you didn't know it is through Mary that Jesus is descended from David, and not Joseph. It is just customary to use the man's name in the genealogy. God does so many amazing things with women! I really think they don't get enough credit for how important they are to God.
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